ISLAMIC INSIGHT <p><strong> Islamic Insight</strong> is an international, peer-reviewed cross-disciplinary journal dedicated to publishing original scholarship of exceptional quality on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. Inasmuch as it caters for a robust scholarly engagement with Islam in light of cutting-edge developments in the humanities and social sciences, the journal provides a forum for high quality research works that contribute substantively to contemporary discourse in Islamic studies in all its richness and complexities. The journal is very keen on articles, research communications, and book reviews that deal<br />with Islam and the Islamic tradition in its many facets and manifestations and exploit perspectives and analytics that straddle disciplines and frontiers of knowledge.</p> <p> </p> Darul Huda Islamic University, Kerala, India en-US ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2581-3269 TERMINOLOGIES OF CLASSICAL UṢŪLĪTEXTS: A STUDY OF AL-SUBKĪ’S JAMʿ AL-JAWĀMIʿ <p>Classical literature in various Islamic disciplines has a tremendous treasury of knowledge that are very relevant to contemporarydiscourse in each subject. Their wider availability has attracted many researchers to study their content and style. One should comprehend their language, structure, style, and terminologies, which are entirely different from the present practice, to have a comprehensive understanding of such texts. The present study attempts to analyse the terminologies employed by mutakallimūn scholars in uṣūl al-fiqhtexts based on Tāj al-Dīn al-Subkī’sJamʿ al-Jawāmiʿ. The text represents the genre of uṣūl al-fiqh literature as it has summarised the quintessence of early discussions and greatly influenced the later development of the discipline. It focussed on the jargon denoting the validity of opinions and scholars. It found that the author has used about twenty terminologies, each one of which has a unique meaning, such as categorically denoting the preferred opinion, clearly invalidating an opinion and merely reporting a disagreement. He usually mentions scholars with short names, some of which are standard usage in the madhhab while few are unique.</p> M.K M. Jabir Ali al-Hudawi Copyright (c) 2023 ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2023-02-05 2023-02-05 5 01 The Appearance of al-Dajjāl and the Descent of Masīḥ Īsā: An Analytical Study of Mushkilah Aḥadīth <p>The appearance of <em>al-Dajjāl</em> and the descent of Masīḥ Īsā is an integral part of the Islamic belief system according to the Last Day. Many debates have arisen around this topic generating arguments and counter arguments among the scholars of Islam. Naturally, there are two parties holding their opinions and providing scholarly evidences to support the stand. This study focuses on the <em>Mushkilah Aḥadīth</em> on the appearance of appearance of <em>al-Dajjāl</em> and the descent of Masīḥ Īsā, analysing the standpoints of both proponents and opponents. It attempts to critically reveal the strength and weakness of each submission. And the researcher reaches into conclusion based on the analytical study of <em>Mushkilah Aḥadīth</em>.</p> Ayoade Abdul Hakeem Luqman Lekan Adedeji Copyright (c) 2023 ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2023-02-04 2023-02-04 5 01 Methodology of Al-Rāzī and Ṭānṭāwī in interpreting the Qur’an 3:190: An analysis <p>Diverse methodologies have been introduced by Commentaries of the Qūr’ān to interpret divine verses and analyze the subject and objectives of the verse. The innovative movements into the Qūr’ānic interpretations have opened&nbsp; &nbsp;many possibilities to the crux of the Qūr’ān. The philosophical sphere of al-Rāzī and the scientific aspect of Ṭānṭāwī represent two genres of the Qūr’ān. The Qūr’ānic commentary has been revolutionized by them and a new side of the Qūr’ān has been introduced. The entry of al-Rāzī into the mainstream of Islamic philosophy and Ṭānṭāwī’s engagement with natural science opened further scope for the study of the Qūr’ān. In this study, the researcher focuses on the Qur’an 3:190 and examines how the discussions are introduced through their own methodology. The researcher uses the analytical methodology to explain their methodology in this verse. The study analyzes how they approach the subject and conduct discussions around the Qur’an 3:190. As a result, we were able to find similarities and differences in the methods and varieties of their discussions and approaches in a single verse. Like when al-Rāzī ventures to interpret the verses philosophically and tries to sound like an exegete Ṭānṭāwī is addressing the reader totally from a scientific view and he sounds more like an essayist rather than an exegete. We were able to analyze their different ideologies and beliefs. Al-Rāzī sees philosophy as a medium to enter into the core of the Qūr’ān but Ṭānṭāwī claims that natural science is the only way for the renaissance of Muslims.</p> Mohammed Jabir M Copyright (c) 2023 ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2023-02-05 2023-02-05 5 01 دراسة الآيات القرآنية ذات الإشارات العلمية: المنهجية والمزايا <p style="text-align: right;">تنبثق أهمية هذه الدراسة من كون القرآن الكريم هو المعجزة الكبرى لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وهو المعجزة الخالدة إلى يوم القيامة، ولذلك أودع الله فيه وُجوها عديدة من الإعجاز: لغوية وبلاغية وتشريعية وتاريخية واقتصادية وإنسانية وعلمية وغيرها... إذن، فالإعجاز العلمي وجه من وجوه الإعجاز في هذا الكتاب المبين، وهو وجه آن أوانه، وجاء وقت إبرازه وعرضه وتقديمه للناس، مسلمين وغير مسلمين، أما للمسلمين فإن دراسة الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة يستهدف (التثبيت)... تثبيت قلوب ضعاف الإيمان، وترسيخ قواعد العقيدة الإسلامية الصحيحة فيها، وصونها عن الانجراف مع التيارات الإلحادية أو العلمانية، أو الانحراف مع التيارات التي تبغي اقتلاع المسلمين من عقيدتهم، واقتيادهم إلى اتجاهات معاكسة لدينهم...</p> ا.د/ كارم السيد غنيم Copyright (c) 2023 ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2023-02-21 2023-02-21 5 01 النظم بين عبد القاهر الجرجاني ومصطفى صادق الرافعي: نحو رؤية متكاملة للإعجاز <p class="Arabicfirstpara" dir="RTL"><span lang="AR-EG">إن العالمين الجليلين عبد القاهر الجرجاني ومصطفى صادق الرافعي قاما بخدمة كبيرة في مجال الإعجاز القرآني خلال مؤلفاتهم وأفكارهم البناءة، وهذه الأفكار مما تضفيإضفاء نوعيا في فهم الإعجاز والوصول إلى مستوى شامل من الإدراك عنه، ومقارنتهما طبعا ستثمر نتائج إيجابية في توسيع ذلك الإدراك وتوضيح بعض الإشكالات الواردة عن الإعجاز، ورغم تباعد الزمن بين عبد القاهر الجرجاني ومصطفى صادق الرافعي واختلاف عوامل تكوينهما هناك بعض المشابهات لاستعمالهما كلمة "النظم" رغم اختلاف المفهوم عند الاثنين وأيضا بسبب تناولهما قضية اللفظ وجرس الحروف من جهة الإيجاب والسلب، فهذا البحث يحاول لمقارنة منظور الإعجاز والنظم عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني ومصطفى صادق الرافعي وعوامل الاختلاف بينهما، وقد توصل البحث إلى أن نظم الجرجاني يدور حول "الإعجاز البلاغي" والتركيبي أكثر حينما يتجه الرافعي في نظرته عن النظم إلى ما يمكن أن يسمى ب"الإعجاز الأدبي" لأنه يعتبر في تنظيره عن الإعجاز النص كاملا من الكلمة والمعنى والتركيب والروابط بينها وموسيقية الحروف، وكلا هذين الاتجاهين مما سيشهد بفوقية نص القرآن على سائر النصوص الأدبية والفكرية.</span></p> محمد عاشق مونغم Copyright (c) 2023 ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2023-02-21 2023-02-21 5 01 Carrying on the Tradition: A Social and Intellectual History of Hadith Transmission across a Thousand Years by Garrett A. Davidson <p class="1STPARA"><span lang="EN-GB">How did the transmission tradition diverse as a result of the ḥadīth canonization? What effects did the compilation of ḥadīth texts have on the ḥadīth discipline? These were the burning research issues that drove Garret Davidson to chronicle “carrying on the Tradition: A Social and Intellectual History of ḥadīth Transmission across a Thousand Years’’. Studying the issue, the author looks at how the conceptions of transmission have changed since ḥadīth scripts were canonized, examining how its institutions, trends, discourses, and practices have differed from the tenth to the twentieth century.</span></p> Muhammed Swalih Copyright (c) 2023 ISLAMIC INSIGHT 2023-02-05 2023-02-05 5 01